June offer - Isis soft drinks

Let's celebrate the month of June, the sun and the summer!

With the return of the heat, we propose you, this month, the Isis soft drinks! We are offering a 20% discount on these three flavours:

Bio tonic

A popular refreshing drink made from bitter herbs, with no added flavours or quinine.

Bio cola

Organic plant extracts such as lime, vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg refine the aromatic flavour into sparkling cola.

100% of the ingredients are organic.


Thanks to a minimum of 10% pure juice, its taste is particularly fruity. The sparkling alternative to quench your thirst.

Producer: Beutelsbacher Fruchtsaftkelterei

*Offer only available at the organic shop in Château-d'Œx from 01.06.21 to 30.06.21 inclusive.