Our approach to zero waste

World Recycling Day is an opportunity to take a look at our actions in favor of the environment. Today, it is important to recycle and reuse as much as possible, as the easiest waste to recycle is to reduce waste produced in the first place.

Votre Cercle de Vie is committed to reducing, reusing, and recycling as much as possible to preserve primary resources and ensure the future of the planet!

Here are some examples of what Votre Cercle de Vie does in its different sectors.

Organic shops

In our organic shops at Château-d'Oex and Zweisimmen, we encourage customers to bring cloth bags and jars to buy food in reusable containers, which are themselves recycled.

A wide range of bulk products is available in the shops, from fruit and vegetables to pasta, washing powder, and cosmetics.

Most of the beverages are sold in returnable bottles.

The raw milk from our farm is sold in a self-service 24-hour vending machine at the entrance of the organic shop in Château-d'Oex. Customers can fill their bottles directly.

All products (fresh or not) that can no longer be sold in the shops are used at the farm or in other activities. Our wish is that there is no waste!

Espace Durable

The Espace Durable also plays an important role in the zero-waste concept by selling second-hand items. Be aware that the slightest purchase of objects (toys, decoration, all kinds of objects) and clothing generates a significant amount of waste and therefore pollution.


The two-holiday flats are equipped with second-hand furniture, linen, and crockery. Every item has been given a second life!


On our farm, we make our own compost (biodegradable organic waste of plant and/or animal origin) which is then used to feed the soil and grow crops. Almost everything is reused or recycled.

We strive every day to do our best to contribute to waste reduction.

Recycling Day, established in the United States in 1994, aims to promote the consumption of products made from recycled materials. In 2018, the Bureau of International Recycling took the initiative to make it a global day.